RACHEL Latte Leather Heel Are Back - VHNY

RACHEL Latte Leather Heel Are Back

Rachel Latte Leather Heels will be in stock soon. It's the hottest style this summer and waiting to appear in your holiday wardrobe.

The directional design highlights your pedi with an open square toe and this minimalist sandal lifts you in more than one way. Wrap it over white jeans or lace it up with a high-slit skirt. . Square toes give more comfort and stability as well.

The details on heels shouldn't go unnoticed. Rachel Latte Leather Heels feature delicate gold studs around the shoe that give a casual-yet-contemporary aesthetic.

Both styles are available in a high heel at 3.5 inches and a lower heel at 2.5. We're giving you options where you can wear the heels since we know they will be your new favorite shoes.


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